Our vision
A world where the unique needs and rights of multiples and their families are understood and met.
Our mission
To collaborate globally to raise awareness of the unique health, educational, emotional and social needs of all multiples and their families. Together with our member organisations and partners, we build strong networks to deliver positive health, wellbeing and educational outcomes, foster inclusion and ensure freedom from discrimination of any kind.
Our values
- inclusiveness
- collaboration
- professionalism
- leadership
- dedication

Our objectives
- Promote the principles detailed in the Declaration of Rights and Statement of Needs of Twins and Higher Order Multiples.
- Provide information, guidance and advocacy to our member organisations and families with multiples.
- Build connections with multiples groups worldwide as well as other organisations and professionals of relevance to the multiples community.
- Maintain a strong link with our founding organisation, the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS).
- Conduct and participate in ethical research projects for the benefit of multiples and their families and disseminate their findings.
Click here to view our strategic plan.
Our history
The International Council of Multiple Birth Organisations (formerly COMBO) was formed at the 1980 ISTS Congress, held in Jerusalem (Israel). Between 1980 and 1986, COMBO members developed international liaison with each other including exchange of newsletters, resources, and research. At the 1992 ISTS Congress in Japan, multiple birth organisations worked together to begin compiling a Declaration of Rights and Statement of Needs for Twins and Higher Order Multiples. This declaration was formally adopted by COMBO members at the 1995 ISTS Congress, held in Richmond, VA. A new management structure for COMBO was approved at the 1998 Congress in Helsinki (Finland), and COMBO was ratified as a working group of ISTS. During the 2010 Congress in Seoul (Korea), COMBO formally changed their name to the International Council of Multiple Birth Organisations (ICOMBO) to better reflect their global reach.
Our Board of Directors
The ICOMBO Board of Directors are voted into office each year during the annual general meeting.
Learn more about our board of directors . . .