This day encourages organisations and individuals to help others while also promoting social responsibility. The UN recognizes that volunteering and philanthropic work provides social bonding while creating resilient societies. Giving to those in need helps to alleviate the worst effect of humanitarian crises. The basic necessities of food, clothing, and […]
Members of the neonatal community use this time to honour nurse colleagues and show pride in being a neonatal nurse or neonatal APRN (advanced practice registered nurse). Neonatal Nurses Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of neonatal nurses and APRNs. The contributions of these health […]
TWINS Congress 2024The Joint 7th World Congress on Twin Pregnancy: a Global Perspective & The 19th Congress of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS)
TWINS Congress 2024: The Joint 7th World Congress on Twin Pregnancy: a Global Perspective & The 19th Congress of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS)
Access to information plays an important role in development, democracy and equality – as such the United Nations seeks to promote and protect access to information as a fundamental human right.
An annual outreach event sponsored by Babywearing International, International Babywearing Week (IBW) is a week-long opportunity to celebrate, promote, advocate for, and focus media attention on the many benefits of babywearing.
World Teachers’ Day is an international day held annually on 5 October to celebrate the work of teachers. Established in 1994, it commemorates the signing of recommendation by the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
On this day, people around the world to come together to celebrate and support those living with cerebral palsy, embrace diversity and to help create a more accessible future for everyone