Meet the ICOMBO team
The ICOMBO Board members come together from around the world with a diverse range of experiences, skills and talents they bring to our team. Learn about them, and what drives their passion for raising awareness of multiple births.

Dr Carolyn Lister – New Zealand
Chair and Research Director
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I started volunteering with my local club (Multiples Canterbury) helping run a playgroup when my twins were one. I then joined my local committee and held various roles progressing up to President and am still involved as Membership Secretary and a few other minor roles. After my three year term as Multiples Canterbury president I joined the Multiples NZ board and again held various roles including President. I am still involved as international liaison and helping manage the Facebook groups. I am a Life Member of both Multiples Canterbury and Multiples NZ. I joined the ICOMBO board at the Madrid meeting in 2017 and was doing the social media role and assisting with research until taking on my latest roles.
Your family: I am a single parent to my twins Kit & Finn who are now young adults (born in 2005).
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: After my roles locally I wanted another challenge and saw the opportunity to share my knowledge and skills to make an impact globally. I am very passionate about advocating for the rights of multiples and particularly transferring knowledge and learnings from those countries with expertise to those that have newly formed organisations (or may not have even got to that point yet). In particular I am a keen advocate of research and wish to ensure any research is done with the consideration of multiples and their families in mind but also delivers benefits for those involved.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I have a PhD in plant biochemistry, although I now work in human nutrition. Or for something a bit different, prior to having the twins I used to belly dance (under the stage name Zakiyah) and have performed at a range of venues around New Zealand.

Stephanie Ernst – The Netherlands
Vice Chair and Communications Director
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: TAPS Nerd with TAPS Support (also the founder), Freelance Writer/Copywriter/Social Media & Website Content Specialist, Research Assistant, Patient Advocate
Your family: Husband Marius, twin daughters Emilie and Mathilde, born in 2013 and better known as the TAPS Twins, and Goldfish, Lieverd (Darling)
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: A lot of my personal values align with ICOMBO’s mission and vision, and it is so important to me that the multiple birth community comes together and talks about the issues that face us, and our children. My marketing and writing background, along with my passion for twin research (I also have published research into things like guideline inconsistencies and the impact of social media in twin communities) made me apply for the role in marketing because I know I can use my skills to help ICOMBO grow. I have a strong passion for making changes in the way twin pregnancies are diagnosed, monitored, and followed up, as well as being a voice for complications in these pregnancies, specifically TAPS, but all complications facing multiples and advocating for changes to how these complications are seen in the wider community. There is a need to make changes in how twins are followed up after birth as well, and changing the perception of prematurity. I also have to say that the teamwork and camaraderie I have seen between the members has been incredible and inspiring, and I have experienced this already within the board.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: My daughters are the TAPS Twins you see in a lot of presentations and websites and research papers. They were born in December 2013 in the Netherlands, under the team that named TAPS, and their birth photo has been used ever since. I’m also an Australian, Dutch by choice, married to a German who is also Dutch by choice, living in the Netherlands with our Dutch/Australian/German twins – and between the 4 of us, we have 10 passports.

Monica Rankin – Australia
Secretary, Past Chair
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I served on the committee of my local multiple birth association, in suburban Melbourne Australia, for 33 years, in many different roles. I have also been a director of the Australian Multiple Birth Association, holding the positions of Finance Director and Publications Director. I was on the Victorian state committee for a number of years and held most positions on the committee including President.
Your family: My husband John and I are both retired from paid work, but we are active in the community. We have 3 sons (twins + singleton), a daughter and a granddaughter.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I have been on the ICOMBO board since 2010. I was at my first ISTS congress, in Seoul. I was so inspired by the ICOMBO group that I wanted to be part of it. I knew I had skills I could offer to the organisation. I am passionate about the rights of multiples and their families. Multiples, regardless of where they live, should be treated with respect and as individuals. Expectant mothers of multiples should have access to specialised health care.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: Three of my best friends are ladies that I met at my first multiple birth meeting, when I was pregnant with my twins. One of the benefits of having twins!!

Sandy Horwood – Australia
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Hospital Contact – Perth & Districts Multiple Birth Association – early 2000s
Your family:
I am married to Wes and we are the proud parents of identical twin boys. They are now young adults and making their way in the world. Aaron is a high school teacher specialising in history and economics. Cameron is a paramedic.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I joined the board as treasurer as I wanted to help in some small way. I am passionate about promoting ICOMBO’s Declaration of Rights and Statement of Needs of Twins and Higher Order Multiples. In 2018 I prepared a detailed submission to the Queensland parliamentary committee considering the introduction of new legislation which ultimately culminated in the passing of the Queensland Human Rights Act 2019. In my submission I advocated for a definition of ‘discrimination’ that would afford protection to twins, higher order multiples and their families. The Human Rights Act 2019 references the definition of discrimination outlined in the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991. Unfortunately this means that twins and higher order multiples are not protected. I believe protection is important, particularly in the areas of health and education.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I speak and write a little Mandarin Chinese.

Susan Griffith, MD – USA
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I’ve was on the board of Multiples of America for eight years. I have a total of 29 years of service with MOA and have held the offices of Research VP, Research Chair, Secretary, Newsletter writer as well as being on multiple committees for MOA. I was ICOMBO Research Director, with over 10 years on the Board.
Your family: My fraternal male twins were born in 1985.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I had a lot of help from our local, state and National Twins club with raising my kids for most of their life as a single parent so I wanted to give back in any way I could by helping out other families with multiples.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I am a Board-Certified Family Physician and for the last 30 years I have been a College Health Physician (also doing University Workers’ Care). I got the job when my twins were 6 years old so that I could have a more regular schedule and so they could have a mother around while they were growing up!! I’m also an avid sports nut – love to play tennis and a huge fan of Chicago Cubs (baseball), Green Bay Packers (US football) and the University of KY – where I work (all sports!!).

Marion Gevers – Australia
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: AMBA Liaison at my local club, AMBA Literature Review Officer, AMBA Publications Director, AMBA Publications Officer, AMBA LOTE Officer, AMBA Enquiries Officer, ICOMBO Treasurer. I am still today holding the four AMBA Officer roles.
Your family: I have boy/girl twins who were born in 1988. My daughter is married and has two girls, born in 2016 and 2019 respectively.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I had been representing the AMBA Board at the ISTS Congress in Florence in 2012 and wanted to continue to be involved at international level. I attended the Budapest ISTS Congress in 2014 and then the Madrid one in 2017, where I became the ICOMBO Treasurer. I love the interaction with parents and also researchers and clinicians dealing with everything multiples. I think I can valuably contribute, having lived half my life in Belgium (my country of origin) and half in Australia: my language skills have come in handy, as has my strong European culture.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: My native language is French and I work freelance as an accredited translator and interpreter between French and English, and as an editor/proofreader in both French and English. I learned Spanish before starting school, and learned Dutch and German at school as they are the two other national languages in Belgium. I attended primary school in French, high school in Dutch and University (Master’s in Clinical Psychology) in French. In my professional life I’ve been very involved with refugees and asylum seekers. I still am nowadays in a voluntary capacity: I coordinate the Newcastle Grandmothers for Refugees (GFR) and am part of the strategic committee of GFR New South Wales (NSW) together with seven other Sydney and Blue Mountains GFRs.

Dr Lucila Menédez Bueno – Spain
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I joined AMAPAMU (Madrid Multiple Birth Association) in 2005 when I was pregnant with my twins. I received so much support from other multiple families that I felt the need to do something to help others too. I started as a volunteer attending the telephone calls from multiple pregnant mothers in 2006 and had different roles (events, materials, etc) in the association for the following years. I was elected as President of AMAPAMU in 2011 and I am still in the position. In 2015, following the advice of the Ministry of Family in Spain I founded the Spanish Multiple Families Federation to defend the rights of our families in the parliament and promote the creation of family laws that recognize the singularity of multiples. We have more than 7500 families (31000 pax) associated. In 2020 we achieved the inclusion of multiples (for the first time) in the National Education Law. We are fighting to include multiple birth families in new Families Law that is expected for 2023.
Your family: Married Guillermo we are parents of identical twins: Rodrigo and Eduardo born in 2005 and the another boy: Pelayo born in 2010.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I attended Madrid ICOMBO meeting in 2017 and I had the opportunity to learn that our experience with multiples around the world was quite similar and that we had a lot of things to share and to learn from each other. I would like to contribute with my experience for the inclusion of multiple families in International and national Laws to defend their rights.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I have a PhD in Pharmacy, MBA, Master in Oncology and Molecular Biology… I love learning! I work as a consultant for market access of new medicines and medical devices in Spain. I have experience in all therapeutic areas but I am an expert in Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases. I have always been a “multitasker” and “rare” so having “multiples” is something I had always expected as “normal” although when I gave the news to my husband he was horrified; not for having twins but for the fact that I had got what I wanted (once again)!!!

Dr Christine Disselkamp – Germany
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Board member of ABC-Club, an organisation for families with triplets and more, responsible for scientific and international contacts.
Your family: Husband and 3 sons (triplets) born in 1996.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I want to draw attention to the situation of multiples, I want to help people understand what it means to have siblings of the same age, but also what it means for parents to have children of the same age. I live in a country where there is good medical care and many social benefits for families. Education for everyone is a matter of course. I want all families worldwide to be well, not to have to fear the future, for children to grow up carefree and for multiples and their families to benefit from scientific knowledge – in the medical field, but also psychological, sociological and very practical. It is therefore important that many different countries are represented in ICOMBO and can exchange ideas and that impetus is given to science as to what is important for multiples, where they need support. For this reason, I am proud to be a member of the board and hope that we can continue to achieve a lot for multiples worldwide.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: No fun facts, all real: mother of triplets, triplet researcher, I run a family business with my husband and I’m a local politician. And otherwise? I’m an enthusiastic runner in the morning, I’m sociable in the evening and during vacations I love to travel to faraway countries.

Dr Pat Preedy – United Kingdom
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Hon Research Consultant Twins Trust.
Your family: Widow, one daughter Laura.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I became interested in multiple birth children and families in 1992 when nine sets of twins started at the school where I was head teacher – making ten sets of twins in a small school. I attended a talk run by Tamba (now Twins Trust) and began studying for my PhD focusing on meeting the educational needs of multiple birth children. This work involved working closely with Professor David Hay and setting up an educational website in order to provide key information for educational professionals. I have been a past chair of ICOMBO and continue to support ICOMBO, Twins Trust and multiple birth families and children. I am currently working with Professor John Mascazine to maintain and develop the education website (www.twineducation.org) through Ohio Dominican University. This includes an online accredited course for teachers in order that they can develop the knowledge and skills needed to meet the needs of multiples in school.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I am deeply interested in Early Childhood Education – see Early Childhood Education Redefined. I study philosophy for fun.

Terri Gillis – USA
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Current: Advisor – Multiples of America; Advisor and Executive Secretary – Multiples of Florida (State Organization); National and State Representative – Flamingo Mothers of Multiples (Local Club); Historian – Greater Orlando Mothers of Twins and Triplets Club (Local Club). Prior: President – Multiples of America, 2009-2011; Newsletter Editor and Vice Chair, ICOMBO.
Your family: I am mother to Tricia and Tara, twin daughters, and grandmother of two – Emma and Landry. Widowed, married to Charles for 46 years. Blessed to have my mother living with me who is in her 90’s.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I was always fascinated by the ICOMBO updates provided by prior attendees of my national organization in the USA. I was fortunate to attend the Congress in Florence, Italy in 2012 where I presented at the ICOMBO meeting and was hooked. After being asked to join the board, I felt my years of experience in both the multiple birth community and my professional work experiences would allow me to add value at the global level. I’ve seen great growth in ICOMBO over the past few years, and my goal is to ensure that the global experiences we share in the ICOMBO arena are shared back to our local communities. The research information we can share can benefit so many and is invaluable.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: As a founding member of the Flamingo Mothers of Multiples, we all share in the love of flamingos, as well as our multiples. This means flamingos are everywhere in our homes, clothing details, and even in the gifts we provide our grandchildren.

Ashlee Tenberge – Australia
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Past – Chairperson of the Australian Multiple Birth Association, a role I held for 5 years. I am a professional volunteer with many years experience!
Your family: Divorced mum to MZ identical twin girls who were born in 2011.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: I wanted to become an ICOMBO board member to support the association’s goal of increasing awareness and issues relating to multiple birth families – including multiples themselves. There are some geographical nuances between countries, but for the most part, I believe the international focus and reach of ICOMBO is a perfect platform to create progressive campaigns, gain widespread traction and ambitiously strive for real-life impact on multiple birth families across the entire lifecycle. My strengths are in organisational efficiency and project management.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I am a donor conceived person (DCP) and also support the rights and advocacy for that community.

Zawu Y. Duyann – Liberia
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I have five years of experience as an official serving as an IT Manager for the Liberia Twins Care Foundation, Inc., founded in 2018. At the same time, I am the ICT Officer for the Global Twins and Multiple Births (GTAMB) Organization. GTAMB has 11 countries as member organizations. As IT Manager for Liberia Twins Care Foundation, Inc., I am the website editor, social media administrator, and one of the outstanding members of the two organizations.
Your family: I am a twin by birth. My brother’s name is Zunu K. Duyann. Zunu and I were married the same day! I am happily married with three kids to a God-fearing woman. My background is that my great-grandfather and my grandfather were twins, my mother was also a twin. I believe I will have twin children too. I am a young Liberian who loves to serve others rather than be served.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve: My passion for contributing to the growth and development of twins and multiple births in every part of the world motivated me to join ICOMBO. Furthermore, I want to join other great leaders in making ICOMBO’s mission and vision reach their objectives.
I do believe working with ICOMBO would be a way to support and empower families with twins and multiple births by providing them with reliable information and guidance, promoting awareness and understanding, and potentially helping to improve the quality of support services available to them.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you: I am a Liberian who is in love with peace. I tasted the bitterness of war for 14 years in Liberia, so I am a best friend of peace and a worst enemy of war. I am a SDG 16 advocate in Liberia and the founder of Community Initiatives International.

Kristiina Heinonen – Finland
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: I am a multiple-birth researcher from nursing science and working in multidisciplinary research groups. I am also a member of an expert group in the Finnish Multiple Births Association.
Your family: Husband and children, looking forward to a new cat
Why did you decide to become a board member and what do you want to achieve?
Multiple-birth families are families with specific needs, and they need special attention.
My deep interest is multiple-birth families and developing family nursing care for all such families all over the world to support the health and wellbeing of the whole family.
I would also like to develop education relating to multiples so that families with twins, triplets or more get the right information and guidance from health and social care professionals such as doctors, nurses, midwives, public health nurses and family care workers. It is also important for other professionals such as kindergarten teachers and school teachers to have knowledge of multiple-birth families. I would like to connect theory, science and practice to strengthen evidence-based knowledge in nursing care for those working with multiple-birth families. Through ICOMBO, it may be possible to influence the development of the social and nursing care provided to those families.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you:
When I sit at my loom and start weaving a carpet, I feel connected to the past of old wooden houses in sounds and spirit. I have many of my own hand-woven carpets on the floor. Life is beautiful and you can decide how beautiful you want to see it; listening, footprints in the sand, wild flowers, being with others and exchanging views, being present in everyday moments.

Kevin Vincent – Sierra Leone
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Current President – Twins and Multiple Births Sierra Leone (TMBSL), Secretary General (5 years) TMBSL, Co-founder TMBSL, Welfare Coordinator, Global Twins and Multiple Births.
Your family: Fiancee + Mother + twin brother and a younger brother. My grandparents were twins.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve:
I was inspired by Monica, board chair 2012 – 2023, who put me in touch with the Congress that took place in Budapest in 2021 via the online sessions. I’ve always been really interested in doing research on twins and high-order multiples, and I’ve always aspired to get in touch with other twins globally to share the same idea. I enjoy assisting others and imparting my knowledge, and I am convinced that by working with the ICOMBO board, I can make a difference in the lives of multiple across the world.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you:
I have a civil engineering background from Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone in 2011 with an award from the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers. I worked for a year at International Consulting Services in Freetown and got a calling to serve humanity by working in the only water utility company (Guma Valley Water Company) responsible for supplying water to the capital city, Freetown. During my 7 years of professional practice, I realised that the problem of water supply in Sierra Leone is not only with the distribution but with the management and utilisation of the resources and that was what motivated me to apply to the best schools in the world for water engineering where I finally found myself in Delft, Netherlands. Even with the continental distance, I have still maintained a close relationship with my twin colleagues in Sierra Leone. Having participated in a considerate masters training in hydrology and water resources engineering at IHE Delft from 2020 to 2022, I have been inspired to setting up a water production company that will deliver high quality drinking water product nationally by utilising the available water sources in the Freetown peninsular areas.
Asides from my professional career, I love music and swimming. I always feel refreshed playing piano scores.

Dr Kelvin Vincent – Sierra Leone
Other relevant roles you hold or have held: Current President of Twins and Multiple Births Sierra Leone (TMBSL), Co-Founder of TMBSL, Co-Founder and Social Welfare Director of Global Twins and Multiple Births, Former Secretary General of TMBSL, Former Medical Officer at Emergency Hospital, Freetown, Former Medical officer at Koidu Government Hospital, Kono District, Sierra Leone, Medical Coordinator of Saint John of God Catholic Hospital , Mabesseneh, Lunsar , Northern Region of Sierra Leone.
Your family:
I was born into a family of many twins – late grandparents, and uncles. My father is late but my mum is now retired from being the Head Teacher at The International Primary School. My Siblings are Ing. Kevin Vincent, my twin brother, and Frank Vincent, my younger brother.
Why you decided to become a board member and what you want to achieve:
I’ve been interested in twins and other multiples since I was young, and I’ve taken part in a lot of international online twin activities. This has led me and other twins in my country to form Twins And Multiple Births Sierra Leone.
I am passionate about treating multiple newborns, including twins and other multiples, and I always like sectioning twins. When I’m alone, I frequently consider how much I’d like the chance to join an international platform for twins so that I could explain why Sierra Leone lacks a trained pediatric or plastic surgeon who specializes in separating conjoined twins, particularly the omphalopagus kind.
In light of the fact that we are losing the majority of our conjoined babies due to inadequate medical facilities and a lack of trained medical personnel, how can we approach partners to bring about such changes in the form of building specialized facilities to perform such surgeries and training medical personnel who are interested in performing such surgeries?
Joining the board also has the goal of getting involved in research involving twins and other multiples to help enhance twin and other multiple births around the world.
Fun fact or interesting detail about you:
I love food, swimming, and playing the trumpet and organ.
For more information about our team, or to learn how you can volunteer for us, get in touch.