As an organisation we aim to build partnerships and networks that achieve a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to drive change for multiples and their families and ultimately improve outcomes from pregnancy to adulthood. It is our firm belief that as a community, we can connect, collaborate and change the future for multiple birth families across the world.

The theme for 2021 was around collaborations to build partnerships and networks between multiples/parents of multiples, support groups, researchers, medical and other healthcare professionals and other relevant organisations. Cooperation between different multiple birth organizations, researchers, and the wider community means that we all can raise awareness of the issues that face multiple birth families.

Our ICOMBO community supports each other through challenges. From support with creating and maintaining multiple birth communities, to collaboration on projects and research into the issues facing multiples. The collective power of almost 30 member organizations means that worldwide, we can make a difference in the world of multiple births.

ICOMBO is a perfect example of the benefits of collaboration, bringing together multiple birth families, researchers and clinicians to understand the specific needs of our families and improve their care and support to improve outcomes from pregnancy through to adulthood.
Through ICOMBO, multiple birth organisations world- wide bring a collective voice to raising awareness of why our families need dedicated specialist professional health and social care as described in the Declaration of Rights. Sharing the challenges of sustaining charities and peer support is another inestimable advantage of our collaboration.