Baby Loss Awareness Week

During this week families all over the world commemorate the lives of their babies and share memories of the all too brief time they had together. The week ends with the global Wave of Light on 15th October, where candles are lit across the globe as part of international Pregnancy […]

World Mental Health Day

A day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. It is an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care […]

International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day

A day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death, which includes miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, ectopic pregnancy, termination for medical reasons, and the death of a newborn. On this day, the global Wave of Light occurs, where candles are lit across the globe as people remember their infants.